OR logic within a single variant criterion group


The following examples describe the variant values in the Translation Job window when you are adding source content to a translation job. The examples are for selections within a variant criterion group.

Using a simple fall-back path

This example has two values selected from the same variant group. When two values in the group are selected the system uses the OR logic and a fall-back path.

Example: I want to send objects with variants where the Region=EU and Region=Aus






"Send for translation all objects from the selected books that are in the correct release state, and that have variant criteria Values of Region=EU OR Region=AUS. Where selected objects do not have either of these values, send the primary objects (Region=None)."

The logic for this example specifies: "From the books that I have selected in this Job, where objects are in the correct release state,

  • Send for translation all objects that have the variant criteria value of Region=Australia.
  • Send for translation all objects that have the variant criteria value of Region=EU.
  • Do not send objects with the value Region=USA.
  • For any object for which no Region variant criteria value of Region=Australia or Region=EU can be found, fall back to Region=None and send the primary object"

Using a hierarchical fall-back path

This example is for multiple selections within a single variant criterion group that uses fall-back groups. Group one covers versions 1.0 to 2.0 and group two covers versions 1.1a to 1.2a.

Example: I want to send objects with variants where the Version=1.2 or Version=1.2a






"Send for translation all objects from the selected books that are in the correct release state, and that have variant criteria Values of Version=1.2 OR Version=1.2a. Where selected objects do not have either of these values, use the fall-back paths through versions 1.1, 1.0, and the primary objects (Version=None), or version 1.1a, 1.0, and the primary objects (Version=None)."

The logic for this example specifies: "From the books that I have selected in this Job, where objects are in the correct release state,

  • Send for translation all objects that have the variant criteria values of (Version=1.2) OR (Version=1.2a)
  • Do not send any objects with value Version=2.0
  • For any object where the checked variant criteria values cannot be found, fall back progressively and send objects with the variant criteria values of Version=1.1 OR Version=1.1a OR Version=1.0 OR Version=None"