Variants in the publishing process


Use variant criteria values during publishing to select the variation of the content to publish for that job. Like book filtering, if variants do not exist, the filtering defines the content that will be used to create the output. For example, you could publish a UK version and a French version from the same US source book.

Object substitution

If a locale variant object exists in the library it is used by the publishing job. If a locale variant object does not exist Author-it checks the SYS_LOCALE for a variant fall-back path. The fall-back path provides the substitution rules that tell Author-it which object to use if a variant object does not exist. Based on the structure used by the variant values this resolves to the primary object or a variant for a different locale.

For example, I want to publish the French Canadian content. When a French Canadian locale variant exists use it in the publishing job.

Locale Group Example_img

When a French Canadian locale variant exists use it in the publishing job.

Fallback Group Example_img

If an object has not been localized for French Canadian then use the French locale variant. If there is no French alternative then use the primary US English object.

Publishing process

Select a book for publishing. The publishing job begins and the book is loaded. Author-it checks for variant relationships and prompts you to choose the variant criteria values you want for this job. Author-it checks each object used by the book for a locale variant matching your selection.

  • Topics and graphics: All matching variant topics are used in the publishing job. If a variant topic does not exist, Author-it checks the variant fall-back path for substitution instructions and the appropriate object is used.
  • If a topic contains a file object with a variant, then the variant is used.
    • Embedded file objects: If a variant of the file object exists in the library it is used in the output. Embedded images are stored in the database so a variant of the embedded file object (with the appropriate image) must exist in the library.
    • Linked file objects: If the file object uses a variant template then the settings from the variant template are used. The variant template simply points to the folder containing image files for that locale. The localized image file uses the same name across all locales.
  • References (hyperlinks) and footnotes:If the topic contains a hyperlink Author-it checks for a variant of the hyperlink template. If a variant is found in the library its settings are used when the link is resolved.
  • Styles are applied: As each style is applied Author-it checks for a variant of the style object. If a variant is found in the library its settings are applied.
  • Table of contents and index: As the table of contents is created Author-it checks for a variant of the table of contents template. If a variant is found in the library its settings are used. The same action is applied when the index is created.
  • Glossary: As the glossary is completed Author-it checks for a variant of the glossary template. If a variant is found in the library its settings are used.