Plan variants for localized content


We recommend that you take the following steps before using a library for localized content.

Understand the relationships between primary and variant objects

This will help when you work with your source content, create translation jobs, and filter localized content (locale variant objects).

Understand how settings and text are inherited from object templates

This will help you to create variants of templates that are used to apply settings and text strings during publishing.

You will better understand how to structure a book and what types of objects require template variants (including "front and back matter" such as Table of Contents objects, and Index objects).

Plan the languages that you will be translating your content into

These questions will help you plan your requirements within the library (such as templates and graphics) and your external folder organization. It will also help you plan the structure required for your variant criteria values.

  • Which language will you use as your library's primary language? Note, you cannot change the library's primary language.
  • Which languages will you use for your source content? You can use the library's primary language or you can use content that has been localized (this option can be used if you are working with locale groups).
  • Which languages will you translate to?
  • Are you going to group languages to create fall-back paths for your locale variants?

Plan how your graphics are treated in your localized content

Are you going to localize your graphics? If you are going to localize your graphics, are you going to use linked graphics or embedded graphics? (Copies of your linked and embedded images used in the book being translated are included in the file for your translation job if you select the export or preview options in the Translations Options screen.)

  • If you intend to localize linked graphics, plan your folder structure for storing your images externally from the library, and plan the template variants you'll need. (Select the option to export linked pictures as files with the translation job in the Translations Options screen. Images used in the book are added to the translation job folder.)
  • If you intend to localize embedded graphics plan to create a variant for each version of the localized graphic. (Select the option to export embedded pictures as files with the translation job in the Translations Options screen. Images used in the book are added to the translation job folder.)

Plan your output requirements

  • Do you need to modify publishing templates for different locales?
  • Do you need to publish your print outputs using different paper sizes (A4 or Letter)?
  • Do you need to modify font attributes for different locales, such as text direction (left-to-right versus right-to-left)?