Release State Types

Library configuration & administration

There are five release state types that you can choose to be part of your own company’s review cycle. You may set multiple states for your company, but each must be one of the following types:

Draft Release State Type

The Draft release state type is the most common default release state. Most Author-it customers set this up to be able to create new objects and perform all actions (including modifying and deleting).

You can create a new object in Draft State in either the Library or Author sections of Author-it.

Review State Type

When a draft is ready for review, the editor will send it to all users allocated as a reviewer (by your company administrator). All reviewers will be notified that they have an item to review.

The review state type allows those reviewers to go into the object, make suggestions and comments (in a track-changes-type functionality). The Review State Type does not allow participants to modify or delete the object only to make suggestions (which are then approved or declined by the editor in the next state).

When the reviewers have finished they mark their review as complete.

If your administrator has set more than one mandatory reviewer, the object will not progress from review to the next state until the specified number of reviewers have marked their review as completed.

The Review State Type is worked on in the Review area. Editors can also see reviews in Author.

Editorial State Type

The Editorial State Type always comes after a review state.

In the Editorial State Type, the editor can modify the object. They are able to view all suggestions made in the review state, and can accept and edit these.

Once it is in this Editorial State Type, reviewers in the review phase will no longer be able to make changes to the information.

The editorial state is worked on in Author itself, not in the Library.

Release State Type

This state type indicates that the object is approved and final.

The last state type of a release cycle should be a Release State Type.

Usually there would be one Release State Type in your workflow, however you may need to (and are able to in Author-it) have multiple in your workflow if necessary.

Translation State Type

In the Translations State type, a new variant of the object is made and this variant is the object that goes through the Translation release types you have set up. It is worked on in the Localize area of Author-it until the translation work is complete.

Number of Release State Types in each workflow

You may include and set up any number of Release State Types, with multiple instances of the same Release State Type if necessary.

For example:

Draft State Type > Review State Type > Editorial State Type > Release State Type


Draft State Type > Review State Type > Editorial State Type > Release State Type > Translation State Type > Release State Type