Author-it Localization Manager settings

Library configuration & administration

Author-it Localization Manager Settings: these settings are for use with Author-it Localization Manager only; they are not used by Localize. If you are using Localize, refer to the Localize user documentation.

The following Translation Job Settings (including how to deal with images with the Translation Job XML files) can be set in the Administrator module, enforcing certain translation options at the Library level. The Localization Manager Settings dialog box is accessed through the main menu in Administrator, under Settings > Localization Manager Settings. The settings defined in the Administrator are used as the default settings in the Localization Manager Translation Export Wizard.

Settings used by the Source and Target libraries:

The first three check boxes on the Localization Manager Settings apply to translation jobs created manually, as well as jobs created using the wizard. The settings are taken from the Target library.

The other options apply to translation jobs created using the wizard only, and are taken from the Source library.

Localization Manager Settings

You can include copies of the images used in the book with the translation files. A sub folder containing the images is created in the job's export folder.

OLE objects are exported with the main translation object and are located within the main translation folder (they are not locatedwithin the “pictures” folder).

The image options for the Translation Job XML are:

  • Export Embedded Pictures As Files: creates a copy of each embedded image file from the book(s) included in the translation job. A set of images is included with the files for each locale.
  • Export Linked Pictures As Files: creates a copy of each linked image file from the book(s) included in the translation job. A set of images is included with the files for each locale. When the File object links to different image files on the output tabs a copy of each image is included, prefixed with the first letter of the output tab. For example, P_123.gif or W_123.jpg.
  • Include a Preview of File Objects: creates a JPG preview for each image included in the translation job. Using this option, all images are converted to JPG format.

The remaining options relate to objects included in the job, the folders, and release states applied during the export and import:

  • Export Folder: select the location where the exported translation job files are stored when the job is created using the Localization Manager Wizard.
  • Import Folder: select the location where Localization Manager expects to find the imported translation job files after they are returned from the translator.
  • Create localization sub folders: if this option is checked on the source library, then the wizard will put jobs for each locale in a subfolder. The name of the folder will be the Localization Name.

    Note: This option is for use with the wizard only. If creating translation jobs manually, then the export folder will default to a sub folder of the target locale.

The Release States define the state that will be applied to objects included in a translation job when they are exported, and later imported back into the target library. Note: the Release States must already exist in the library.

  • Export Release State: select the Export Release State to apply to objects in the target library when they are sent in a translation job.
  • Import Release State: select the Import Release State to apply to objects when the translation has been completed and the job is imported into the target library. The objects from the translation job overwrite the objects in the library, and the release state is updated to indicate that they have been translated.