Output does not look correct


Some troubleshooting ideas to look for are:

  • Topics at a level 1 in the book structure should contain text content. No empty topics!

  • Interactive slides must have the correct number of sub topics for their type. Ensure that flip cards have an even number of sub topics, carousels have the same number of sub topics as images, etc. See Structuring slides and their elements for all slide type requirements.

  • Knowledge Check slides (Multiple Choice Single Selection or multi-Selection) output as straight text when a slide previous in the structure has no content (see first bullet).

  • The topics you're using for your slide elements should be using the media object Honeycomb Child (or a similar object you've based off Honeycomb Child):

    1. Locate the topic templates you're using for slide elements.

    2. Go to Properties > Web > Media.

    3. Note the media object the template is using.

    4. Locate the publishing profile you're using for Honeycomb.

    5. Go to Properties > Theme > Create a list of the objects you wish to replace.

    6. Make sure the media object you identified in step 3 is being replaced by the media object Honeycomb Child (or a similar object you've based off Honeycomb Child).

  • The topics you're using for your slide elements must have Start new page selected:

    1. Locate the topic templates you're using for slide elements.

    2. Go to Properties > Web.

    3. Select Start new page.