Honeycomb CSS files


CSS files control the look and feel of Honeycomb. They're located in your Honeycomb templates folder, under \\Templates > Honeycomb > hv_src > css > common.

The most important CSS file is themes.css. You'll use it to customise the appearance of Honeycomb.

Honeycomb has the following CSS files:

  • components: Contains all default styles for Honeycomb components.

  • Fontstyle: Determines the font Honeycomb uses, and which characters or symbols (from that font) Honeycomb uses for its icons (for example, the next icon).

  • Global_styles and Shell: Controls the look and feel of Honeycomb, such as its primary colour. You'll override this CSS by editing themes.css

  • ie-9: A fallback style sheet required for IE9 compatibility.

  • jstree-custom: Defines icons and colors for the table of contents tree, for example  'visited' color.

  • reset: Ensures consistency across browsers

  • themes: Update this file to customise the appearance of Honeycomb. Any CSS styles you enter into this file will override the CSS in Global_styles and Shell.

  • xtend-custom: if you want to add your own paragraph or character styles, add your own paragraph or character styles that are not defined natively in Honeycomb, you can add them in this file. Xtend-custom is the last css file Honeycomb applies, and overrides other settings.

    Note: When saving css files, be sure to save them with UTF-8 encoding, by adding @charset "utf-8"; as the document's firsts element.