Drag and drop one to one knowledge checks in Honeycomb


Add drag and drop one to one knowledge checks to Honeycomb courses to match answers to questions in an interactive way. This knowledge check allows the learner to make all matches before submitting them as a response.

  • To create a drag and drop one to one knowledge check:

  1. Create a topic based on the Knowledge Check Drag Drop One To One template.

  2. Place the slide topic at Level 1 in the book contents, or inside an assessment group.

  3. Add the slide's question or introduction, using any style except Lists and special Honeycomb-related styles.

  4. Add the content for each part of the one to one, applying List Bullet and List Bullet 2 respectively.

    After you have entered all the required details in this topic, it should look like this example.

    DAD OTO topic70

    The previous example topic would create the following drag and drop slide. If you apply the correct List styles, the publishing process converts this simple text into the drag and drop format.

    DAD - one to one70

    Note: You can't use images in the statements for drag and drop.

  5. Insert feedback topics for 'correct answer', 'incorrect answer,' and 'try again.'