Flip Card slides in Honeycomb


Add flip card slides to Honeycomb courses to explain a set of related topics. For example, the cards can explain roles within an organization. The front side of the card displays a role name, and the back side displays the description of that role. The example in the figure shows a picture of a planet on the front side, and the back side contains information about this planet.

  • To create a flip card slide:

  1. Create the slide topic (parent) based on the Flip Cards template

  2. Place the slide topic at Level 1 in the book contents.

  3. For each card element, create two content topics based on any template (except the special Honeycomb templates) or reuse existing topics:

    • The first content topic is for the front of the card

    • The second content topic is for the reverse side.

  4. Place the content topics as child elements to the slide topic.

    These topics will appear in pairs as flip cards: topic 2 is the back side of topic 1, topic 4 is the back side of topic 3, and so on.

  5. Observe the following limitations:

    • Do not use video within the flip card topics.

    • If you are using audio, place the audio in the Reverse card topic. Audio plays automatically when a user opens an element. The Card front starts as an open item, so the audio is not triggered. Placing audio on the back or reverse side of the card ensures the audio starts when the user opens that view of the card.