Send invitation (welcome) email to new users

Library configuration & administration

You may choose whether to send an automated Author-it invitation email, or create your own.

  • To send the automated Author-it invitation email

Select Send invitation email checkbox.

Screenshot - send invitation email

This email automatically includes a link for the new user to set up their password.

  • To send your own invitation email

Do not select the Send invitation email checkbox.

  • Compose your own email, using your email provider.

  • With this option, you must help your user set up their password. To do this either:

    • include a link to the Author-it homepage in your email, with instructions to click on 'Forgot password' under the login details

Screenshot - login forgot password


  • If you are a Client Administrator, you can manually reset the user's password

    1. Go to Settings>Users

    2. Click on a user to open their details

    3. Select the Reset Password button.

Screenshot - Users update users reset password highlighted