Activate and deactivate users

Library configuration & administration

To activate or deactivate authors or collaborators:

Note: User IDs can be deactivated but never deleted.

  1. Select Settings>Subscriptions from the Author-it Primary navigation.

  2. You can see how many Authors and Collaborators there are in your organization.

Screenshot - settings subscriptions with orange highlighting

3. In the Inactive Authors or Inactive Collaborators box, select the user you would like to activate.

4. Select the Add button to move the user to the Active Authors or Active Collaborators box.

Important: If you deactivate your organization's only active Administrator, Author-it will log you out and prevent you from logging back in. You will receive a warning message from the system before being allowed to do this.

Note: Reviewer-only users do not display in the Author section of the Subscriptions screen unless they are also assigned an Author role.

For more information on review licensing, see Monitoring reviewer assignments & participation.