Create a new user

Library configuration & administration

To add or manage users you must be a Client Administrator. There must be at least one user group set up for your organization before you can create new users.

Find out about User groups.

  • To create a new user

1. Go to Settings>Users and select Create new User

Screenshot - settings users create new user highlighted

2. The Create new user dialog box opens:

Screenshot - settings Users

3. Enter your user's first and last name and email address.


Avoid using middle names or double first names (such as Sarah Jane). This can cause issues with the login credentials.

First name/last name combination and Email address must be unique.

The user must have a first and last name. If you create a user with a single name, the entry is added to the user list in Author-it Cloud, but the user is not added to the library.

4. Choose whether or not to send your new user an Author-it invitation email.

5. You can replicate settings from another user to the new user in the Copy from field.

6. Language sets the default language for the Author-it interface. The user can also set and change their language from the Author-it logn screen.

7. Keyboard allows you to choose the default language for your user's keyboard.

8. Choose the Timezone applicable to your user.

9. Groups allows you to select which user groups your user will join.

10. Admin for allows you to select user groups for which the user will be Group Administrator.

11. Roles - roles dictate which permissions your user will have and which workspaces they will have access to.

12. Select Create User. The window closes and the new user is added to the database.

Screenshot - settings Users select create new user button