Selecting container text precisely

Embedded topics

You need to be precise with content selection around embedded topics

Understanding "content boundaries" is important when selecting text or other content in the container topic. The type of content that you select can affect the action that you want to complete.

Tip: If you select content but find that an action is not available, check the content in the selection - you may have included some of the embedded content, or the selection could end against an embedded topic boundary.

Example: Applying a character style to selected text

Container text selected

When only container text is selected, you can apply a character style to your selection.

Container text and embedded topic selected

However, if part of an embedded topic has been accidentally selected, the character style cannot be applied. This is because the text protection used by the embedded topic overrides the option to apply a style. In this example, the final letter of the embedded topic is included in the selection.

Example: Deleting selected text:

Container text selected

When only container text is selected, press DELETE to delete the text.

Container text and embedded topic selected

However, if part of an embedded topic has been accidentally selected, pressing DELETE results in a message advising an embedded topic is included in the selection, and this time nothing is deleted.