Scenario three: Multiple embedded topics

Embedded topics

When you are using multiple embedded topics, one directly after another, as you embed each topic, adjust the style tagging. The text protection used by embedded topics is extended across the entire block of embedded content as you embed each new topic.

In this scenario there are three topics, each containing one or more common steps, which will be used to build a procedure. There are two options to ensure the embedded topics are tagged correctly:

Option 1:

Action: Add an extra paragraph marker in the source topic (the embedded list).

Result: The extra paragraph marker in the source topic will be removed when the topic is embedded, but the correct style tagging will be applied to the final item in the container topic.

Extra paragraph in embedded topic

Option 2:

Action: Leave the paragraph without an extra paragraph marker at the end of the topic. Adjust the final item in the container topic as you embed each topic.

How to adjust the style tagging as you embed each topic:

  1. Open your container topic and embed the first topic. Adjust the style tagging for the last item if needed.

    Embed topic 1

  2. Create a new paragraph and embed the second topic. Adjust the style tagging for the last item in this topic, if needed. After you embed the second topic, you are no longer able to update the style tagging for the first list item ("Text with List Number").

    Embed topic 2

  3. Create a new paragraph and embed the third topic. Adjust the style tagging for the last item in this topic, if needed.

    Embed topic 3