Topic Print properties

Author-it Objects

The Print tab contains properties that define how each topic object publishes into the Microsoft Word document. These properties define things such as a heading and super heading, which are automatically numbered, and even a mini table of contents placed at the beginning of a chapter.

Topic - Print Tab


Define the headings that appears in the print document for this topic.

Heading style

Sets a relationship to the Style object that the Print Heading uses.

Tip: If you set this to "(auto)", the print heading defaults to the styles "Heading 1", "Heading 2", "Heading 3", and so on, taken from the level of the topic in the contents of the book.

Super heading

Define the super heading that appears in the document for this printed topic. The super heading appears above the document heading. Author-it automatically applies the "SuperHeading" style in the Word document.

Super heading numbers

Select the type of automatic numbering that appears just after the document super heading.

Note: No numbering appears if you have not typed a super heading in the Print tab.

Insert break

Choose the type of break that is inserted into the document just before this topic. If you choose Section Break, you must select a Media object to define the next section.


Set a relationship to a Media object that defines the page setup and layout of the new section.

Note: You can only select this option when Insert Break is set to "Section Break".


Use this option to make a topic into an endnote topic.