Table of figures Print properties

Author-it Objects

The Print tab contains properties that define how the Table of Figures object inserts a table of figures into the Microsoft Word document. These properties define things like the title, layout information, what type of captions to build the table on, and whether or not to include page numbers.

TOF - Print Tab

TOF title

Define a title for the table of figures in the Word Document. This title has a style of "TOFTitle" automatically applied in the published Word document.


Set a relationship to a Media object that defines the page setup and layout of the table of figures section. A table of figures always starts a new section, so you must select a Media object.

Figure label

Choose what type of File Caption Label the File object uses to build the table of figures.

Include page numbers

Determine if page numbers are included in the table of figures of the Word document.

Right align page numbers

Determine if the page numbers in the table of figures of the Word document are right aligned. Select TOF Include Page Number, for this setting to have any effect.

Include label and number

Determine if the label and its number (for example, "Figure 2") appear before the captions in the published table of figures.