Style Definition properties

Author-it Objects

The Style Definition tab contains a definition of how the style appears in the text of a topic object. The properties define the style name, the type of style; character or paragraph, and all the font, paragraph, tabs, borders, and numbering properties of the definition.

Style - Style Definition Tab

Style Name

Define the name of the style. This name displays when selecting the style in the topic text. This name is mandatory and must be unique.

Style Type

Choose the type of style; character or paragraph. This property can only be changed when you first create the style, and determines what other properties are set.

Font Name

Choose the font face for the style.

Font Size

Define the size of the font in points (pt).

Font Underline

Choose the type of underlining of the text in the style.

Font Color

Define the color of the text for the style.

Font Effects

Determine if certain effects are applied to the text for the style.

Paragraph Indentation

Define the indentation of text from the left and right margins of the topic editor, and also sets a special indent for the first line, which is relative to the left indent.

For example, if the left indent is set to "0.5 cm", and the first line to "-0.5 cm", that has the effect of a hanging indent of 0.5cm, with the first line flush with the margin.

Paragraph Spacing

Define the amount of white space, in points, that appears before and after each paragraph, and also set the spacing between individual lines within that paragraph.

Tip: You should never leave empty paragraphs between text to give the effect of white space, instead you should set this using the spacing.

Paragraph Alignment

Choose how the paragraph will be aligned in relation to the indents.

Tab Stop List

Define a list of all the tab stops in the paragraph.

To add a new tab stop, type in a new measurement (cm) and click Set. A maximum of 20 tab stops is allowed. To Remove a tab, select it from the list and click Remove.

Tab Alignment

Choose the type of alignment the text has to the tab stop selected in the Tab Stop List.

Default Tab Stop

Define a measurement (cm) for the default spacing between tab stops.

Border Style

Choose a style for the border around the paragraph.

Border Shadow

Define a measurement (cm) for the default spacing between tab stops.

Borders Apply To

Determine which sides of the paragraph have a border applied to them. The Border Style sets the type of border applied to that side. You can choose All Sides to set all four sides automatically.

Numbering Type

Choose the type of numbering applied to the paragraph. The following types are allowed:

  • None: no numbering is applied and restarts any numbered paragraphs preceding it.
  • Numbered: sequential numbering is applied. This also restarts any numbered paragraphs preceding it with a lower Outline Level.
  • Bulleted: places a character before the paragraph. This also restarts any numbered paragraphs preceding it with a lower Outline Level.
  • Skip numbering: no numbering is applied, and any numbered paragraphs continues numbering in the following paragraphs. This allows you to have multiple paragraphs for a single numbered point.

Numbering Style

Choose the style of sequential numbering to apply to the paragraph. This is only available when you set the Numbering Type to Numbering.

Numbering Start At

Choose the value sequential numbering starts at. This is only available when you set the Numbering Type to Numbering. This is usually set to 1.

Outline Level

In multi-level numbering, this determines the level for this numbered or bulleted list. Lists of a lower level are reset by lists of a higher level. For example, a list at level 1 will reset a list at level 2, but a list at level 1 will not be reset by a list at level 2. A paragraph with no numbering will reset all lists.

Note: This outline level property applies to the Windows Help and HTML CCS style definitions as well.

Bullet Character

Define the character used for the bullet. This is only available when the Numbering Type is set to Bullet. To select a character click the Change button.