Title page Print properties

Author-it Objects

The Print tab contains properties that define how the Title Page object creates a title page in the published Microsoft Word document. These properties define things like what heading elements to include, page layout information, and which file object to place on the cover.

These fields in the book object > Print tab map to these properties and field codes in Word:

  • The book object Title field is inserted using the DocProperty = Title field code.
  • The book object Super title field is inserted using the DocProperty = Subject field code
  • The book object Sub title field is inserted using the StyleRef Property = Subtitle field code.*
  • The book object Version field is inserted using the DocProperty = Keywords field code.
  • The book object By line field is inserted using the DocProperty = Author field code.

*This is the only book property that is referenced by a styleref property instead of a docproperty.

Title Page - Print Tab

Super title

Determine if the Document Super Title from the published book is included in the Word document. If it is included, a style of "SuperTitle" automatically applies in the published Word document.


Determine if the Document Title from the published book is included in the Word document. If it is included, a style of "Title" automatically applies in the published Word document.

Sub title

Determine if the Document Sub Title from the published book is included in the Word document. If it is included, a style of "SubTitle" automatically applies in the published Word document.


Determine if the Document Version from the published book is included in the Word document. If it is included, a style of "Version" automatically applies in the published Word document.

By line

Determine if the Document By Line from the published book is included in the Word document. If it is included, a style of "Byline" automatically applies in the published Word document.

Picture file

Set a relationship to a File object that defines the picture or graphic you want to insert on your title page.

Page media

Set a relationship to a Media object that defines the page setup and layout of the Title Page section. A title page always starts a new section, so you must select a Media object.