Book Print properties

Author-it Objects

The Print tab on the Properties window for a book contains properties that apply only to the printed output of your book. The fields on the tab are described below.


Title of the book that appears in your printed output. In the published Word document, this value is used in the title page and in headers throughout the document.

Super title

Super title of the book that appears in your printed output. In the published Word document, this value is stored in the Subject field of the document's properties window, and is used in the title page.

Sub title

Sub title of the book that appears in your printed output. In the published Word document, this value is stored in the Comments field of the document's properties window, and is used in the title page.


Version of the book that appears in your printed output. In the published Word document, this value is stored in the Tags field of the document's Properties window, and is used in the title page.

Note: This is not the same as the Object Version. The Document Version is the text that appears in your document. It does not identify the Book object, and it is not related to the Object Version in any way.

By line

The author's name or "byline" that appears in your printed output. In the published Word document, this value is stored in the Author field of the document's Properties window, and is used in the title page.

Word template

Specifies the Word template Author-it will use when publishing your printed output. This publishing template contains the styles that control text formatting and the Autotext entries that hold the headers and footers of your document. If any required styles or Autotext entries are missing from this template, there will be publishing errors.

Book - Print Tab