File print properties

Author-it Objects

The Print tab contains fields of properties that let you define how each File object is inserted into the printed output. Use these properties to specify the file type, file name, size, a caption, and the borders around the image. See File object properties for more details.

File - PrintTab

Source type

The Source type field contains a drop-down menu used to select the type of source file to use in your Word output. Options may enable or disable when you choose a file type, as some properties are not applicable to some file types. The types available are:

  • Embedded Picture or OLE object: uses the embedded image. At the time of publishing, the embedded picture is extracted to the format specified in the Output as field and linked to the Word document.
  • Linked Picture files: valid picture file formats that Microsoft Word can load (bmp, wmf, gif, jpg, pcx, tif, dib, eps, svg, tiff, tif, png).
  • Linked Document files: preformatted Word, RTF, or text documents. These are inserted in the published document. This is a way of inserting complex formatting and documents. (doc, rtf, txt)
  • Linked URL file: links to images located on a web server. At the time of publishing, this file is inserted into the document.


The Directory field specifies the source file. This property supports relative folders. This property is ignored if you are using an embedded file.


The Filename field specifies the name of the source file. This file must be of the Source Type and it must be in the specified directory.

If you use an embedded picture, it will be saved with this filename using the extension of the embedded file type or the output format specified. Any path or extension is ignored. If you do not specify a filename, the object Code is used.

Output as

This field contains a drop-down menu used to select the output file format of the external file used in your printed document. "(source format)" uses the file format specified in the Source Type.

Paragraph style

Sets a relationship with the Style object, defining the style that applies to the paragraph in the printed output for this file.

Note: Only use this property when the File object is placed in the contents of a book, and ignored when it is in the text of a topic. If you set it to "(auto)", the paragraph uses the style of the last paragraph in the preceding topic.

Sizing, Caption, and Borders tabs

See Size, Caption, and Borders tabs for a complete description of these tabs.