Variant substitutions & fall-back paths



Variants have specific fall-back paths so that only certain topics appear, depending on which option you select. In Reviews, when you use variants, the following behaviors apply:

  • An exact match: When Reviews finds an exact match for the variant criteria values, that topic appears in the book in review.
  • Not an exact match, but the variant criteria uses a fall-back structure: When an exact match cannot be found, the variant rules are used to check for an alternative topic.

    Note: The filtering matches the book filtering in Author. Use the book filter to check which topics appear in the variant book.

    If you are using fall-back paths and the system finds an alternative topic, then the alternative topic displays in the book.

  • There's no exact match and the variant criteria uses a flat structure: When Reviews doesn't find an exact match, the primary object displays in the review book.


The same behaviors apply to variant book objects.

Use a variant book if you need to change the structure of the book's contents. When you use a variant book in a review then its contents, the topics and structure in its Table of Contents pane, display in the review book.