Moving a topic through multiple review cycles


The following example shows topics that go through three types of review before they are released. The reviews cover the content's style and grammar, checking for technical accuracy, and checking for legal issues. The three review cycles are created by using the Review Form, and the book is added to each review. Each review uses a different set of release states.

  • Review Form: For a specific review cycle, this defines the release states and participants, and controls the associated notifications, such as advising the start and finish dates and when a topic is available for review or editing.
  • Release states: Define unique release states for each review cycle. Because each review cycle passes through a review and an editorial phase, there must be both a review release state and an editorial release state defined per review cycle. The state assigned to a topic at any moment defines its exact location within the process.
  • "Next" release state: Review Form configuration must include a Next release state that will be automatically assigned to the topic as the current review cycle is completed. In a situation of multiple review cycles, the Next release state field will effectively trigger the next review cycle.
  • Multiple reviews: Add a book to multiple review cycles. For example, a content review, a technical review, and a legal review. Each review cycle has two phases, defined by review and editorial release states.
    In our multiple review cycle example, we define the sequential release states as follows: [content review > content editorial] > [technical review > technical editorial] > [legal review > legal editorial] > Released.

    Note: The last state "Released" is assigned to the topic on completion of all review cycles.

Each release state change triggers the next step in the process, so a topic will only move into a subsequent review cycle when it has the appropriate release state.

Multiple Review Cycles

Review cycle 1 (Content) triggers when you assign the "content review" state to the topic

  • Reviewers perform review tasks and mark a review complete
  • Once the content review is complete, the topic moves into the "content editorial" state
  • Editors then finalize the topic's content for this review cycle and save the topic

    This action completes the current review cycle. Following the "next state" option in the Review Form, the topic automatically moves to the "technical review" state.

Review cycle 2 (Technical) triggers when the topic is assigned the "technical review" state

  • Reviewers perform review tasks and mark as review complete
  • Once the technical review is complete, the topic moves into the "technical editorial" state
  • Editors then finalize the topic's content for this review cycle and save the topic

    This action completes the current review cycle. Following the "next state" option in the Review Form, the topic automatically moves to the "legal review" state.

Review cycle 3 (Legal) triggers when the topic is assigned the "legal review" state

  • Reviewers perform review tasks and mark as review complete
  • Once the legal review is complete, the topic moves into the "legal editorial" state
  • Editors then finalize the topic's content for this review cycle and save the topic

    This action completes the current review cycle. Following the "next state" option in the Review Form, the topic automatically moves to the "Released" state.

The topic is ready for release once it moves into the "released" state.

Change release states from within Author

Comments or suggestions made in a review are easily lost if a user in the Author module changes the release state of the topic back to Draft. If you attempt to move a topic with a release state of review back to draft in Author, the system sends you message warning you that all Reviews comments will be lost. You must acknowledge this warning before continuing.