Suggest an insertion or replacement


Use the insert option when you want to suggest additional text for the topic, or when you want to suggest replacement text for the topic.

To suggest a replacement in a topic:

  1. Select the text in topic at the point you want to suggest replacement content.

    Note: Replacements cannot be made in the topic heading.

  2. Click the Add Replacement button in the popup toolbar.

    Replace Suggestion

  3. Type the suggested replacement text, and then add a supporting comment for the suggestion.
  4. Press Enter to start a new line in the Comment box.

    Suggested Replacement Text Message Box

  5. Click Replace to save the suggestion, or click Cancel to close the message box.

Where to add an insertion

Make an insertion at any point within a paragraph or before the first character. Insertions cannot be made after the last character in a paragraph; they must be added at least one character before the end of the paragraph.

To suggest an insertion in a topic:

  1. Click inside the topic at the point you want to suggest additional content.

    Note: You cannot add an insertion in the topic heading.

  2. Click the Add insertion in from the popup toolbar.

    Insertion Button on Toolbars

  3. Type the suggested new text, and then add a supporting comment for the suggestion.

    Suggested Insertion Message Box

  4. Click Insert to save the suggestion, or click Cancel to close the comment box without saving the suggested text.