Accept or reject changes in Reviews


See also: Accept and reject - options and best practices

Editors accept or reject changes in both Reviews and Contribute.

  • In Reviews: Accept or reject suggestions while the topic is still in review. Content cannot be edited directly, but editors can add their own suggestions. If all suggestions for a topic are acted on in Reviews, the final stage is to save and finalize the topic in Contribute.
  • In Contribute: Edit content and accept or reject suggestions. The topic is saved and the review is completed.

You do not need to act on all suggestions in one session. You can open a topic, act on some of the suggestions, and then move to another topic. Any work you have completed is "remembered", and the next time you open the topic you can continue your editing.

To accept or reject changes in Reviews:

  1. Open Reviews and select the topic you want to edit.
  2. Click each reviewer suggestion, and then click Accept to use the suggested change in the topic, or click Reject to remove the suggested change from the topic.

    Accep-Reject in Reviewer