Activation of reviewer-only users


Reviewer-only users

Reviewer-only users do not appear in your Organization's Bulk Operations screen, which your library administrator uses to activate or deactivate library users. Use the Author-it Cloud Portal to access this screen.

Activating and deactivating Reviewer-only users

The Reviewer-only users are activated when they are assigned to a review, and deactivated when all the reviews they participate in are completed.

Behaviors for the Reviewer-only role

  • A user is defined as Reviewer-only if they are assigned the Reviewer role and don't have any other roles assigned.
  • All Reviewer-only users remain disabled (inactive) until they are allocated to a review.
  • An inactive Reviewer-only user is any user who has only been assigned to the Reviewer role and is not allocated to a current review.
  • An active Reviewer-only user only becomes active when allocated to a review.

The Author-it Cloud Portal displays a list of all active and inactive Reviewer participants on the Organization page.

  • The Reviewer Participants panel provides a list of inactive and active Reviewer-only users. The list is read-only, because assigning users to a review only happens in the Reviews module.

Multi-role users

Some users have multiple roles, such as being an Author and a Reviewer. For subscription usage and security reasons, these roles aren't always activated automatically.

Activating and deactivating Multi-role users

When an inactive multi-role user is added to a review, Author-it Cloud doesn't activate them automatically. This is because the inactive account may have heightened security permissions (for example, if they are an Administrator) and would potentially result in the user using a subscription for an unexpected role.

To have these users perform a review, you'll need to activate them manually. If the user no longer requires their other roles, we recommend turning them into a Reviewer-only user.