Comparing variant options in Author & Quick-Editing Mode

Object Variants

You can create, manage, and publish variant content from both Author and Quick-Editing Mode. Author has some extra capabilities for working with variant objects.

This table compares the variant functions in Author and Quick-Editing Mode.



Quick-Editing Mode

For selected object, access variant options from right-click menu


For selected object, access variant options from ribbon bar


Localization Filter for the object lists

yes, on the ribbon bar's Author tab

Create a new variant object

yes, using the Variant menu options

Search for primary and variant objects (variants are stored in the same folder as the primary)

yes, additional variant search option in Author

Variants and primary objects identified in the object list with icons


View variant criteria and values assigned to an object

yes - in object list, book contents pane, topic banner, and using Variant menu options

Convert an ordinary object to a variant

yes - right-click and main menu options

Edit variant criteria assigned to an object

yes - using the Edit Variant option

Remove variant criteria from an object and break the link to its primary object

yes - using the Remove Variant options

Filter a book using variant criteria values (to view and work in variant content)


Publish a book that uses variants


Create command line code for batch publishing


Filtering variants in the Objects list

In Author, use the locale options in the folder Filter located next to the Variants command group on the Author tab (on the main ribbon bar).


In Quick-Editing Mode, the Localization Filter is located in the Options screen under the Object Lists section.


Accessing the variant options for the selected object

Author: Right-click Variant menu options (1) or the ribbon bar Variant options (2). Variant objects are displayed in the object list with a colored background and icons (3).

Create a New Variant Object in Editor

In Quick-Editing Mode: Right-click Variant options menu only. The options available depend on the object you select (when you select a variant object the menu shows Edit and Remove options, when you select an ordinary object the New Variant option is shown)

Right-click Variant Menu Option in Live

Create a new variant object

Author provides both right-click and main menu options for creating new variant objects. The new variant object is created in the same folder as its primary object and is identified with a variant object icon.

In Quick-Editing Mode, select an ordinary object then use the Variant option from the right-click menu. The new variant object is created in the same folder as its primary object.

View variant criteria and values assigned to an object

You can view the variant criteria values in both Author and Quick-Editing Mode.

In Author you can view the criteria values in the book's content pane after using the book's filter. You can also view the values in the variant criteria columns in the object list. You can also view the criteria and values assigned to an object using the Edit Variant option from the main menu or right-click menu.

In Quick-Editing Mode you can view the criteria values assigned to a variant object in the Edit Variant window:

Variant Values in Metadata Tab in Properties Window

Update variant criteria values assigned to an object

You can update the variant criteria values in both Author and Quick-Editing Mode.

In Author you can update the criteria values assigned to the object using the Edit Variant option. Choose this option from the menu or when you right-click the object.

Edit Variant Criteria

In Quick-Editing Mode you can right-click the object then Choose Edit Variant. Change the criteria values in the Edit Variant window.

Updating Variant Criteria Values in Live

  • You can select a different value for the variant criteria using the drop-down list. (Note, do not use the Remove button to remove variant criteria from an object.)

  • You can assign additional variant criteria to an object using the New Assignment button. Use the Search to display the variant criteria options, select the value from the variant's drop-down list, select the check box to the right of the variant, then choose Insert.

Remove variant criteria from an object

Variant criteria can be removed in both Author and Quick-Editing Mode using the Remove options.

In Author use the Remove Variant Association option from the main menu or the right-click menu to remove the variant criteria from an object and break the link to its primary object.

In Quick-Editing Mode use the Remove Variant option from the right-click menu.

Important: You should use the options for removing variant criteria and object links rather than just deleting the criteria metadata from the variant object. If you remove the metadata value the link between the objects is not broken, and this can affect object filtering.

Filter a book using variant criteria values (to view and work in variant content)

Author provides a book filter. When the criteria values have been selected and applied, the book displays the relevant content. Use the Editor to filter the book to work with content for a specific group of variants.

Filter Book Using Variants OP Release 2020

Publish a book using variants

You can publish a book with variants from both Author and Quick-Editing Mode.

In Author choose the variant criteria values in the publishing filter when publishing the book using the right-click menu or menu. You can also filter the book prior to publishing; this action uses the book filter selections as the default selections in the publishing filter.

Publishing Filter in Editor

  • Using the Publishing Console in Author Editor you can also create the code used for command line processing. Select the book and publishing profile, then select Show Command Line and select the variant criteria values from the filter. The Command Line code is created for you; copy the code to your batch file and update the SQL library options or user credentials if required.

    Creating Command Line Code in Editor

In Quick-Editing Mode add the book to the publishing queue, select the outputs for the publishing job, then use the popup filter to select the variant criteria values.

Publishing Filter in Live