Show relationships for variants

Object Variants

You can use the Show Relationships window to view the variant relationships for the selected object. When you select a primary object, its variants are shown in the Variants of group and the Objects used by group. When you select a variant, its primary object is shown in the Objects using group.

To view an object's variant relationships:

  • Right-click an object in the object list or book contents, and then click Show Relationships.

The Show Relationships window displays the following information for variant objects.

Show relationships - variants

When you use variants in your library, the Show Relationships window displays a Variants section. When you show the relationships for a primary object, the section shows any variant objects belonging to that primary. The section isn't displayed when the relationships are shown for a variant object.

Show Relationships - Variants

Show relationships - localization variants

If you're using Translations, all of your source and target objects used to manage your content localization are stored in one library. The Show Relationships window has a new section for locale variants. This section is displayed when you show the relationships for any locale variant object, but the content that is displayed is different for source and target objects.

Show relationships for source objects: The localization section for a source object shows the target objects in your library. Each target object is shown with the locale icon to identify its current status:

  • Translated (full color flag)

  • Waiting to be translated (grayscale flag)

  • Needing retranslation because the source has changed (exclamation flag).

The section also displays variant columns (not shown in the screen shot).

Show Relationships - Localization Variants

Show relationships for target objects: The localization section for a target object shows the translation job to which that target object belongs. The section contains information for the translation job, including the job name, translator, the job status (for example, if it has been exported for translation), who created the job and when, and the word count.

Show Relationships - Localization Target Object