Publish variants for software releases

Object Variants

During publishing, Author filters the objects to match the selected variant values. If objects matching the values are not available, the appropriate objects defined by the fall-back path are used.

Set the filter for your publishing job in the following filters:

  • Book Filter: Open the book and filter the contents, then choose the publishing output. The filter settings for the publishing job are taken from the filter settings applied to the book content. (The settings in the publishing filter can be changed if required.)

  • Publishing Filter: Select a book and choose the publishing output. Apply the filtering settings using the publishing filter.

    Important: The filter is not shown when you select any XML-based publishing option because all variants are included in the XML file.

  • To publish a book using the book filter:

  1. Open the book, then select the variant criteria values in the book filter.

  2. Click Apply to filter the book's content.

  3. From the Publish tab, click the preferred the publishing output.

    The publishing filter is displayed with the variant criteria values used to filter the book.

  4. Click OK to start the publishing job.

  • To publish a book using the publishing filter:

  1. Select the book in the Library Explorer object list or open the book without filtering.

  2. From the Publish tab, choose the publishing output.


    Select the book in the Library Explorer object list, then from the right-click menu, click Publish To and your publishing output.

  3. Choose the variant criteria values in the publishing filter, then click OK to start the publishing job.

    Author Publish Variant Window