Edit a review


As a review initiator or authorized editor, you may need to modify some of the Review Form options after you have saved the original review.

icon_OpenNewWindowVideo: Adding topics to an ongoing Review

Who can open or edit a Review?

The initiator or an authorized editor can see the review in the table of contents and open the Review Form.

What options can be changed, and at which stage of the process?

Before reaching the start date and time:

  • All options in the Review Form

After the review has started:

  • Add or remove participants in review
  • Change the review end date

Once the review has begun, the following options cannot change:

  • Book
  • Variant and variable assignments
  • Review, editorial, and next states
  • Review start date

To edit a review form:

  1. Log in to Review.
  2. Select the book in review from the table of contents, and then select Review > Edit to open the Review Form for that book.

    Note: Loading time varies depending on the number of books displayed in the list.

  3. Modify the Review Form options and save your changes.

Note: When you update a review form, your reviewers receive notifications again reflecting the changes to the time or date and the book name. Use the Refresh button in the TOC toolbar to update the book name in the Table of Contents pane.