System notifications


The following events trigger notifications for the News Feed page (content in brackets denotes changeable content for each sample message, such as user names, topic names, and review names):


Occurs when

Notification sample message


Review initiates

The review is in a new state and the start date and time has passed

[Reeve Ewer] has initiated [Draft Review] for [FAQs] which started on [25-Mar-2011 10:00 AM] and ends on [31-Mar-2016 01:30 PM]. You have been added as Editor in this review.

News feed, Email

Review is completed

The review is completed when:

  • An editor or review initiator selects the review and uses the Review Complete button to manually complete a review

[Draft Review] review for [ACME Website] has been completed.

News feed, Email

  • The review end date is reached and no topics remain in the review or editorial states

[Draft Review] review for [ACME Website] has been completed.

News feed, Email

Review is canceled

The review initiator selects the review and uses the Review Cancel button

[Draft Review] for [Employment Agreement] has been canceled.

News feed, Email

Review is modified

The review details are changed:

  • Dates/times have changed in the Review Form, or Participant has been changed

[Draft Review] for [Introduction] starting on [25-Mar-2016 10:00 AM] and ending on [26-Mar-2011 07:00 AM] has been updated.

News feed, Email

  • A participant is added to the review form

[Anne Ortha] has been added as [Mandatory Reviewer] to [Draft Review] for [FAQs].

News feed, Email

  • A participant is removed from the review form

[Tex Ryta] has been removed from [Draft Review] for [FAQs].

News feed, Email

Review suggestion is added

A reviewer makes a suggestion for the topic content:

  • Comment

[Tex Ryta] commented ["give kms as well"] on [X1000 Description] in [Draft Review] of [X1000 User Guide].

News feed

  • Insertion

[Reeve Ewer] inserted ["instant teleporter "] on [The Exciting World of Teleportation] in [Draft Review] of [Introduction].

News feed

  • Deletion

[Anne Ortha] deleted ["direct "] on [Conserving Battery Power] in [Draft Review] of [Introduction].

News feed

  • Replacement

[Reeve Ewer] replaced ["Guide"] with ["video"] on [The Exciting World of Teleportation] in [Draft Review] of [Introduction].

News feed

Reply is made to a review suggestion

A reviewer replies to an existing comment, insertion, deletion, or replacement

[Reeve Ewer] replied ["good idea"] to Comment by [Anne Ortha] on [Your First Trip] in [Draft Review] of [Introduction].

News feed, Email

A review on a topic is completed

A reviewer completes the review on a topic by using Mark Complete (Note: Other reviewers may be required to complete their reviews before the topic can enter the editorial phase)

[Reeve Ewer] has completed [Draft Review] for [Authorized Repair Shops] in [Maintenance].

News feed

Topic enters editorial

A topic in the review book is put into the "editorial" release state

[Draft Review] for [Authorized Repair Shops] in [Maintenance] is now complete, topic is ready for [Draft Editorial].

News feed

Reminder is sent to a reviewer

The reminder period prior to the review end date and time has been reached

[Draft Review] for [Style Guide] is ending soon. Please complete your review by [28-Feb-2016 06:00 AM].

News feed, Email

Reminder is sent to an editor

The reminder period prior to the review end date and time has been reached

[Draft Review] for [Style Guide] is ending in [1 hour]. The following mandatory reviewers have not completed all topics: [Reviewer Names].

News feed, Email

Topic editorial is completed

An editor completes the review on a topic by saving the topic in Live and incorporating the suggested changes

[Reeve Ewer] has incorporated changes from [Draft Review] into [X1000 Specifications] in [X1000 User Guide].

News feed

Review suggestion is accepted by an editor

An editor marks a suggestion as Accepted

[Reeve Ewer] Accepted Insert by [Tex Ryta] on [X1000 Description] in [Draft Review] of [X1000 User Guide].

News feed, Email

Review suggestion is rejected by an editor

An editor marks a suggestion as Rejected

[Reeve Ewer] Rejected Insert by [Anne Ortha] on [Our Story] in [Draft Review] of [Introduction].

News feed, Email

Customizing the frequency of emails

You can customize the frequency of email messages by using the configurable Poll Time field in the Service Manager. Refer to Install and configuring Service Manager for Review for instructions.

Email and notification examples

Specific actions also provide hyperlinks to the review summary screen or to a topic.

  • Review link in notification and email: When a notification includes a link to a book in review, clicking the link opens the summary for that review. (In these example notifications, the books are X2001 User Guide and FAQs.)
  • Topic link in notification or email: When a notification includes a link to a topic in review, clicking the link opens the topic in Review. (In these example notifications, the topic is Conserving Battery Power.)

Clicking a link in the email opens Review in your browser. If you aren't logged in to Review, you may be prompted for your login credentials.

Notifications Displayed in the News Feed Page

Notification Email example

Email with Topic Suggestion Notification

Important: Comments or suggestions made in a review can be lost if a user in Author or Contribute changes the release state of the topic. As a precautionary measure, if a topic is in a review state and other users have commented on the topic, Author and Contribute display a warning message when a user attempts to change the state. The user must acknowledge the warning message before being allowed to continue.