Grouping styles & templates in menus

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Styles and templates are grouped in the drop-down lists and short-cut menus based on the folder where they are located. As an example, you can group styles or templates according to their use. In this example all paragraph styles assigned to 'body content" are stored in a single folder.

Grouping Styles and Templates in Menus

The following rules determine how objects are listed:

  • Folders, styles, and templates are listed in alphabetical order in the menu and sub-menu.
  • If all styles, or templates, are in the same folder - the styles, or templates, are listed alphabetically in the first-level menu. No sub-folders are shown in the menu.
  • If styles, or templates, are stored in different folders - the sub-folders are included in the first-level menu. When you select a sub-folder the styles, or templates, are listed in the second-level menu.
  • If you have multiple folders with the same name, then a single sub-folder with that name is included in the menu.

    For example, if you have a Common Styles > Body folder and a Website Styles > Body folder, both Body folders are merged into one menu option. Users can only see objects according to their security permissions, so if they don't have access to see content in the Website Styles > Body folder, only the styles from Common Styles > Body are visible. If they have access to both folders, the combined list of "Body" styles are visible.