Supported hyperlink formats for HTML source files

Re-importing HTML and Word Source Files

The following hyperlink formats are supported for HTML source file re-importing.

  • External URL links: When a link from a file to a website is used Author will create an external (or URL link). As an example, the link in the HTML source file may be similar to the following format:

    <a href="">

  • Topic-to-topic, or Internal links: When a link from one HTML source file to another HTML source file is used Author will create an internal (or topic-to-topic) link. So long as both of the HTML source files are included in the importing job, then Author creates both topics and the Hyperlink object from the anchor to the target. As an example, the link in the HTML source file may be similar to one of the following formats:
    • Both files in the same folder: <a
    • Files are in different folders, but the link includes a folder reference for the target HTML source file: <a
  • Mailto links: When the HTML source file contains a mailto link Author will create the link that opens an email message with the recipient's address and the specified subject text. As an example, the link in the imported file may be similar to the following format:

    <a href=" Accessory Request">

Unsupported hyperlink format examples

Bookmark links, targeting different sections of the same HTML file, are not supported by the re-import process. In this case, the best practice is to "split" the HTML source file into two files, then update the link so it references the target HTML source file.

Breaking a file into two files


If a file contains a bookmark link to another section of the same file, the link will not import correctly.


To enable the file and links to be imported correctly, the file should be broken into two separate files before importing.

In addition, relative hyperlinks using bookmarks are not supported. For example:

  • The link is used to go to the top of the page (for example, #top)
  • The link is to a bookmark (for example, b.htm#mybookmark)

    - the anchor text is in one file (for example, a.htm)

    - the target is in a different file (for example, b.htm)