Best practices for re-importing content

Re-importing HTML and Word Source Files

Naming conventions - best practice for re-imported content

Author-it uses file names when creating or overwriting objects. To ensure content is handled correctly,

  • All file names used by source files and images should be unique.
  • When re-importing source files, whenever possible, the file names should not be changed between imports. If the file names are changed, the content will not be overwritten.

Metadata assignments

During importing, Book, Topic, and File objects are assigned metadata tags which are used by the re-importing process. The values assigned in the metadata variables should not be changed.

To View Metadata Assignments:

  1. Open the library using Author.
  2. Right-click the re-imported object in the Library Explorer and choose Variables > Show Variable Assignments. The metadata for the object is displayed in the "Variables Assignments in this Object" list using the <IMPORT_ID

Configure History Points for an object-level backup

Before using the re-import process, ensure that you have set the library's history points with a minimum of "save history on object close if modified."

As long as the history points are being saved after each import, you will have the option to revert to an earlier version of the object's content if content is accidentally overwritten. This acts as an object-level "backup" if required.

Protect content so that it cannot be overwritten

The process of re-importing modified source files is designed to overwrite existing content in your library. However, if you do not want content to be overwritten you can use security to protect the content by removing the ability to "modify" content:

Folder action permissions - you can use folder action permissions to control which users have sufficient permissions to modify the content in a folder. All content in the folder will be marked as Read Only for that user, and content will not be overwritten if they attempt to re-import the HTML source files into that folder.

Release states - to protect specific content against modification when the HTML source files are re-imported. In this case, the specific files will be marked as Read Only and not overwritten.

When the folder action permission is assigned, or the release state is applied to specific objects, you will see the following message if the HTML source files are re-imported:

[Object x] not updated - You do not have permissions to Modify this object.