About the Author-it Cloud Migration Toolkit

Migrating to Author-it Cloud

Migration involves the following steps:

  • Create a copy of your current on-premises production library
  • Use Author-it Cloud Migration Toolkit to identify and remap all external files (templates and other file resources) to Author-it Cloud folders
  • Upload both the external files repackaged by Author-it Cloud Migration Toolkit and the updated database, and then
  • Migrate users to Author-it Cloud

Author-it Cloud Migration Toolkit is provided as part of the migration to Author-it Cloud project. It maps your external files to folders for Author-it Cloud, and packages your folders, files, and database to send to Author-it Cloud.

Note: You can rerun Author-it Cloud Migration Toolkit on the copy of your library if you need to modify the mapped paths to your external files. For more information, see Modifying locations by moving files versus mapping paths.