Troubleshooting: RemoteApp Disconnected

Troubleshooting Author-it Cloud


While starting the Author-it module using the remote desktop connection (RDP), the connection fails because the remote application has disconnected. As an example, you may see a message similar to the one shown in this screenshot.

RemoteApp Disconnected

RDP permission requirements

Author-it uses a remote desktop connection. If you cannot access the RDP check with your IT Department that your firewall allows the RDP access out using the following ports:

  • HTTPS: 443


Option 1: "Remote access to the computer is not enabled."

Explanation: For some reason it does not appear that you can make a network connection from your current client to the remote server. The reason for this is probably related to a network configuration. Check that you are allowed to make RDP connections on port 443 through your firewall. Contact your IT department.

Option 2: "The remote computer is turned off."

Explanation: What it is implying is that the Author-it Cloud servers have been switched off. This is highly unlikely although possible. However, you can confirm this by placing a support call on Author-it asking if they are in fact off. Please Note: This is highly unlikely as there is a great deal of redundancy built into the service and the service is a 24 hour service.

Option 3: "The remote computer is not available on the network."

Explanation: The program cannot "see" the machine specified in the configuration. This can be for a number of reasons. Primarily, this will be solved by contacting your IT department. It is most likely a firewall configuration issue or a DNS resolution problem. Primarily, ensure that HTTPS port 443 is open for use.