Create service provider records

Setting up Translation Profiles & Options in Translations

Settings Service Providers

Service Providers are the people or companies that provide your translation services. A record is created for each service provider you use and stores the company contact details, the translation job requirements, the source and target locales they support for translation, and the job name templates they use.

Each service provider record is stored in the database and used whenever you create the translation job for that provider (so you don't have to type their information each time you create a job).

Note: When you create the Service Provider record you are able to save multiple source to target locale combinations and job name templates against that provider. When you create a translation job you'll select the specific source to target locales and job name template required for that job.

To create a service provider record:

  1. Click Service Providers under Settings to display the Service Providers screen and ribbon bar options.
  2. Click Service Providers > New in the ribbon. The Service Provider window opens.

    Service Providers New

  3. Complete the company name, location (country and city), and contact details for the Service Provider.
  4. Set the type of job (one book per job or multiple books per job) and the maximum word count for each translation job that this service provider will accept. Base these selections on the service provider's requirements for a translation job. Use '0' for the maximum word count, if you do not want to set a maximum.
  5. Select the source to target locales applicable to this service provider (you can select multiple options if needed).
  6. Select the job name templates applicable to this service provider (you can select multiple options if needed).
  7. Click Create to save the changes and create the record.