Change your preferred language from the login page

Navigate Author-it Cloud

  1. From the login home page, click the language link (under the log in options).

Screenshot - login with language flag options highlighted

Note: When one language is selected, the other two languages are shown as links.

2. Sign in normally to Author-it Cloud.

3. When Author-it opens, or you open (Author, Contribute, Reviews, and Translations), they should all display in the language you selected. See below for an example showing the interface in German.

Screenshot - German UI for primary navigation and homepage

The following behavior is applied:

  • If you have already set the language in Author-it Cloud (from the login page or your Profile page), then your chosen language is used (the links for the alternative languages are shown in the login page).
  • When you first log in and you haven't set a language in Author-it Cloud, then the login page is based on your browser's language setting (if it is one of the four options; if the browser is set to languages other than the four options, then English is used).
  • If you sign in using another browser or device you will need to set the language from the login page or your Profile, and the setting will be used when you sign in again using the new browser or device.