Create a copy of the SQL database

Migrating to Author-it Cloud

When you are working with Author-it Cloud Migration Toolkit you should use a copy of your database for your migration.

Using the copy, you can make changes to objects and paths used by your database without affecting your users. By using a copy of your database you also enable your users to continue to working right up to the time you are ready to go live.

For your actual migration you should also use a copy of your database. When you run Author-it Cloud Migration Toolkit you will see a reminder:


Create a copy of the SQL database for Author-it Cloud Migration Toolkit:

  1. Create a backup of your production database.
  2. Restore a copy of this backup as the working copy for Author-it Cloud Migration Toolkit. It is advisable to give the copy a different name to that of the Production library.
  3. Take note of the server and the user credentials used for logging in to this copy as you'll need them to connect to the database from  Author-it Cloud Migration Toolkit.