Set list limits for recently updated pages

Magellan user guide

Set two Author-it text variables in your library to control the Recently Update Pages list entries:

  • < ModifiedTopicLimitDays> to define the number of days since topics were last modified to include in the list.

  • < ModifiedTopicLimitCount> to define the number of recently modified topics to include in the list.

    This is an Author-it Administrator task.

Recently Updated Pages

  • To set list limits for recently updated pages:

  1. Select Manage Variables from the File menu.

  2. Click Add and enter the < ModifiedTopicLimitDays> variable details:

    Variable - Modified Topic Limit Days

  3. Set the Value to the number of days of history that you want to see, such as, 7.

  4. Click OK.

    Note: Ensure you do not select Prompt Before Publish.

  5. Create a second variable for < ModifiedTopicLimitCount>:

    Variable - Modified Topic Limit Count

  6. Set the Value to the maximum number of topics that you want to see in the list, such as, 50.

    Note: Always enter one number higher than the number of topics that you want to see.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Close the variables list.

  9. Assign the variables to the Magellan publishing profile so they are always applied when publishing a book to a Magellan site.

    They show in the Publish Job variable selection window for information only; the values cannot be changed.

    Note: Do not apply these variables to the Magellan book.