Add a 404 Page Not Found Error page

Magellan user guide

  1. Open a text editor and put in the following HTML code:

    <style type=text/css></style>
    <h1>Error 404</h1>
    <p>Sorry, the page you’re looking for doesn’t exist.</p>

  2. Save the file as error.html.

  3. Open Files on the Primary navigation.

  4. Go to your Magellan Themes folder.

  5. Create a subfolder named content.

  6. In the content folder, create a language subfolder. Give it the same name as the language subfolder in your Magellan site folder.

  7. Upload your error.html file.

  8. (Optional) Repeat these steps for each language version of your Magellan site.

Test your new error page:

  1. Republish your Magellan site.

  2. Remove a topic from the output.

  3. Hard refresh (Ctrl + F5) your browser.

  4. Attempt to view the removed topic.