Import profile settings for re-importing html source files

Import content

When re-importing HTML content the following settings should be used in the HTML Import Profile. Any customizations to the importing rules (such as style mapping, topic creation and template assignment, or find and replace requirements) are completed as normal in the Import Profile.

Before you start the process for re-importing the HTML Source Files you will need to update the HTML Import Profile.

To open the html import profile:

  1. Open the library using Author.
  2. Choose Import > Transformation > Profiles then select your HTML Import Profile.

Selecting the folder and book options

Import Profile Settings

Folder: Clear the check box next to "Create new folder at this location." By clearing the check box you ensure the content is re-imported into the same folder.

Important: If you use the "(current folder)" option, ensure you always select the initial import folder in the library's folder tree before you start any re-importing jobs. If a different folder is selected the content will not be overwritten, instead new objects will be created.

Book: Choose "New Book" and select a template for the book. During the import process Author-it assigns metadata to the book which is used when you re-import content. The following happens when you re-import the HTML source files:

  • When re-importing multiple files in one job, the existing "HTML Import" book is used and reused.
  • When importing a single file a new book is created and named after the HTML source file.

Important: If you choose the "Existing Book" option and select a book, Author-it will not assign the metadata to the objects, and as a result the content will not be overwritten correctly. For example, you may find that there are multiple instances of topics after each import.

Release State: Select a release state that will be applied to the objects when they are imported. If you don't want to apply a release state to the objects select "(no state)."

Selecting the graphic options

Import Profile - Create File objects

For graphics: Select a File object template; ensure you only select the check box for "Embed all linked graphics" if you choose an "embedded" File object template.

  • Using a Linked File object template: When the image has been created after the initial import it is available for reuse the next time you re-import the HTML source files.

    Linked File objects can be stored outside of the import folder in your library. (Note: If the "Embed all linked graphics" option is selected with a "linked" template the image will not be added to the File object.)

  • Using an Embedded File object template: When the image has been created after the initial import it is available for reuse when content is re-imported.

    Embedded File objects are only reused when they are stored in the import folder. If the embedded File objects are moved to another folder they won't be reused if the HTML source files are re-imported. Instead, a new set of embedded File objects will be created and used by the topics.

Note: Ensure you select a template rather than choosing "(none)". If a template has not been assigned in the profile and the option to "Embed all linked graphics" has not been selected, the File object will be created using a pathway that links back to the folder containing the HTML source files. This may result in users not having access to images, or the wrong image being used by the library.

Best practice is to store the image files in a central location which is accessible by all users who require access, and not store them in the folder used by the HTML source files.

Modifying the profile between imports

Any changes made to the Import Profile will affect the way content is overwritten. For example, if you change the rules controlling the heading styles used to create new topics when you re-import, existing topics may not be overwritten and updated as expected.