Controlling Style Tagging for an Embedded Topic

Embedded topics

When you are working in the container topic, the location of the paragraph marker after the embedded content determines whether the embedded topic or the container topic controls the content's paragraph style tagging.

The most important rule used by an embedded topic is the last paragraph marker in a topic is removed when it is embedded into a container topic.

Tip: Click the paragraph markers button to display the paragraph markers when you are working with embedded topics. This enables you see when the embedded topic will continue using its own style tagging and when it will use the container topic's style tagging, as described below.

When the paragraph marker is inside the embedded topic content, identified by the gray shading, the embedded topic controls the style applied to the paragraph.


When the paragraph marker is outside the embedded topic, identified by the gray shading, the container topic controls the style applied to the paragraph.


The way that you structure your embedded topic determines the style tagging assigned to the content.