Title page customization

Design templates, styles, & page layouts

There are several options for working with title pages.

The following components control information included in your title page and the formatting and layout:

  • Title Page object
  • Media object used by the title page object
  • Word publishing template

The title page object is a print-only object, and represents the title page of a printed document. The inclusion of this object in a book will cause a title page to be created in the printed document.

If you want to create a similar effect in your HTML outputs, consider using a topic object that is set to appear only in HTML.

The title page object contains a number of properties that define things such as which heading elements from the book object to include such as super title, title, sub title, version and/or by line, page layout information, and even which image to place on the cover.

The media object you select defines the page layout settings such as page size, margins, and any autotext entries used by the headers or footers. A title page always starts a new section, so you must select a media object.

1   SuperTitle

2   Title

3   Subtitle

4   Version

5   Byline

Title Page Layout


Each heading element uses a corresponding style in the Word publishing template. The styles are: supertitle, title, subtitle, version, and byline. To adjust the formatting, simply modify the style in the Word publishing template. For exact control of positioning, apply a frame to the style in the Word template.

Note: If a File object is defined in the Picture File field it uses the "Version" style from the Word template.

To apply a different style, define the Paragraph style setting under the Print tab of the file object:
Paragraph Style Property

Include additional information by redefining the header or footer used by the title page.