Headers & footers in print

Design templates, styles, & page layouts

Use Author-it to create headers and footers that contain the following content in your print documentation:

  • Page number
  • Chapter name
  • Document name
  • Release version
  • Print date

Author-it uses the Microsoft Word Quick Parts and Field functions to include information in the header and footer areas of your document pages. To see how headers and footers work, check the settings in the standard Word publishing template that Author-it uses to produce the printed output (Author-it.dot), and in the Author-it sample library (Sample.adl).

How Author-it handles printed headers and footers

Headers and footers differ from one section of your document to the next. Author-it's media objects remember the name of the header or footer used for each section of your document. The actual header or footer is stored as an autotext entry in the Word publishing template that Author-it uses to produce your printed output.