Table rule validation examples

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When you work with tables, the paragraph rules assign paragraph-level formatting to content in the rows and columns. In the following example, the rules assign the Table Heading style to cells in the first row, Table Body Text to cells in the first column, and Table Body Text to cells in the last column. However, where cells are at the intersection point for row and column rules then either rule can be used in that cell.

The table rules are defined for the row or column and the allowed style:

First Row

Table Heading

First Column

Table Body Text

Last Column

Table Body Text Right

Table Rule Reference

  • Examples One and Two: Table content is valid

    Both table examples are valid. In table two the top right cell falls on an intersection point for the first row and the last column. Either paragraph style will validate in this cell - Table Heading and Table Body Text Right are both correct.

Note: The topic rules must contain a table rule for content of the table to be validated. If there is no table rule(s) in the topic rules, then the content of the table is NOT validated.