Add a topic to a book

Add and manage content

You can reuse topics as many times as you like, in the same document or in many documents.

When you reuse a Topic object, any changes or updates you make are instantly reflected everywhere that object is used.

When dragging topics from a book contents pane, the following actions occur:

  • If dragging a topic from a book's content pane into the topic text (embedding the topic), then only the selected node is highlighted and added.
  • If dragging a parent topic from a book's content pane into a different book, the children will also be added, even if they are not highlighted while dragging.

To drag and drop a topic into a book:

  1. Open the book that you want to drag the topic into (the target book). Confirm that the Book Contents tab of the target book is displayed.
  2. Locate the topic that you want to add to the target book. Select the folder containing the source topic, or use Search to find the topic.
  3. Select the source topic that you want to add from the folder or search object list, and then drag it into the Book Contents tab of the target book, dropping it at the correct location (or use the move options, if needed).