Modify the Structure of a Personal book

About the Knowledge Center

To reorganize the structure of a Personal book:

  1. Open a Personal book

  2. Click the Edit tab (1).
  3. Click Edit this Personal Book (2).

    The following window is displayed:

    PBK Modify structure


    1. The title of the current Personal book.

      You can edit the title.

    2. All the topics contained within the current Personal book.

      The selected topic and its children appear highlighted.

    3. The control panel to modify the hierarchy of selected topics.

      A parent topic will take all its children when moved.

    4. Delete button to remove the selected topic from the current Personal book.

      A parent topic will be removed with all its children when deleted.

      You can also remove a topic when you open it for editing.

    5. The number of unsaved changes
  4. Click on the arrows from the control panel to modify the position of the selected topic within the structure of the current Personal book.
  5. Click on Save Book to validate the modifications.