What is Remote Publishing? - Author-it On-Premises

Author-it Plugins Guide

For a lot of our publishing processes, we need dedicated software:

  • PDF ProCSS requires Antenna House

  • Magellan requires Saxon

  • JavaHelp and Oracle Help require Java Runtime Engine or OpenJDK https://adoptopenjdk.net/

In a multi-user environment without terminal server usage, we cannot expect that every user has this software locally installed. Also from a maintenance perspective, this is something that should be avoided.

The solution is to install this software in a central location, e.g. a dedicated publishing server. This is of course standard functionality on our cloud. For On Premises, 'Remote Publishing' takes care of publishing.

Remote publishing does the following:

  • Queues the publishing jobs that are set for remote publishing

  • Created dedicated publishing folders for every job on a central location

  • Triggers a plugin that displays the publishing queue

  • Provides feedback on the state of the publishing job

  • Allows for opening the published output when the publication is ready

  • Cancel a job