Remote Publishing for Author-it Users - Author-it On-Premises

Author-it Plugins Guide

When you publish with remote publishing, the following takes place:

  1. Publish a book.

    You get the following notification:

    The message disappears after a few seconds.

    Next the Remote Publishing Jobs window opens.

    The Remote Publishing Jobs windows shows your remote publishing jobs and the status of the jobs.

    The following statuses are possible:

    • Pending: the job waits until the publishing server accepts the job.

    • Queued: the job is waiting in the queue for processing.

    • Started: the job is being processed.

    • Completed: the job is ready.

    • Canceled: the job is canceled.

    • Failed

  2. As soon as the job is completed, select the job in the Remote Publishing Jobs window, and click Open folder.

    This will open the folder with the published content.

If the Remote Publishing Jobs window is not available, you can open it from the Publish menu, View Remote Jobs.

In case you want to cancel a publishing job

  1. Select the job from the Remote publishing jobs window.

  2. From the context menu, click Cancel job.