The second test uses the ExtJS service to login to the library and test communication by opening an object.
To Complete the Library Login Test:
Copy the General Concepts folder from the Author-it SDK Samples folder to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot. Rename the folder by removing all spaces.
Note, there are several General Concepts folders, use the following folder for your installation:
Author-it API Server: General Concepts (ExtJS)
API Server Internet Information Services: General Concepts (API Server for IIS) [which displays the IIS Manager version of the ExtJS login screen]
Open a browser window and add the URL to the default.htm file. For example, http://localhost/[folder name]/default.htm. The library login page will be displayed.
Add the API Server URL.
Author-it API Server: example is: http://localhost:9098
API Server Internet Information Services: examples are: /AuthoritAPI or http://localhost/AuthoritAPI
Add the credentials for logging in to the library. Click Login.
When the Author-it API Server communicates successfully with the library, the following message is displayed (note, the message may not display immediately; allow the server time to complete the communication process [usually within a minute]):
Note: If the login fails check the credentials and the library alias are correct.
Add a Folder ID and click Get Folder. Note, folder IDs are stored in the library database.
When successful the following message is displayed with the name of the selected folder:
Add an Object ID and click Get Object. Note, the object IDs are displayed in the library.
When successful the following message is displayed with the name of the selected object: